
Can You Get a Ticket for Driving too Slowly?

A Deeper Look at Florida’s Rules of the Road

Drivers are expected to abide by the traffic laws of the state in which they are currently traveling. These regulations are intended to protect everyone on the road – motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians alike. While it’s important to err on the side of caution when setting out for the road, certain measures could actually create a greater danger, and, as such, could be cause for a ticket.

Florida Speed Limits

Posted speed limits must be followed. When no speed limit is posted, one should follow Florida’s “standard” limits for the type of roadway they are on. These speeds are:

  • School zones: 20 MPH
  • Business areas: 30 MPH
  • Municipal areas: 30 MPH
  • Residential areas: 30 MPH
  • Rural highways: 60 MPH
  • Highways: 70 MPH
  • Interstates: 70 MPH
  • Toll roads: 70 MPH

Do I Need to Drive at the Speed Limit?

Speed limits state the maximum speed that one can drive in good conditions, such as in daylight and on dry roads. Drivers are expected to reduce their speed to account for harsh weather conditions, such as wind, rain, and fog. Overall, a driver is expected to move at a speed in which they can control their vehicle without causing a danger to others on the road.

It’s common knowledge that speeding is a traffic violation – but overcorrecting the act could also lead to a ticket. If someone’s slow pace makes a crash more likely, or creates general safety concerns, a police officer could pull the driver over and issue a ticket.

Florida law also includes a bill that allows police to ticket those driving too slowly in the left lane when another car is trying to pass them. This offense puts points onto the driver’s license and carries a ticket fee of $143. What’s most striking with this bill is the fact that drivers could receive the ticket even when they are moving at the posted speed limit.

If you’ve been stopped for a traffic offense, you need the help of an experienced attorney. Contact Hubbs Law Firm to discuss your charges and learn how we can help.

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