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Miami Traffic Tickets & Offenses Attorneys
Miami Dade Traffic Ticket Laws
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, law enforcement agencies across the U.S. issue about 41 million traffic citations per year. That equates to about 78 tickets every minute. Many of these offenses are relatively minor, but serious criminal traffic charges sometimes result from a simple traffic stop, and it can be necessary to enlist the help of an experienced traffic defense attorney.
The most common traffic misdemeanor charges in Miami-Dade County include:
- Driving with no valid license
- Driving with a suspended license
- Reckless driving
- Hit and run
These types of traffic crimes almost always result in an arrest on criminal charges. The consequences for these types of criminal charges are much more severe than a civil infraction such as a speeding ticket or a citation for running a red light.
Serious traffic offenses can be misdemeanors or even felonies that may be punishable by jail or prison, along with expensive fines and a permanent criminal record if convicted. A conviction can also trigger the suspension of your driver's license.
You Need an Attorney for Traffic Offenses in Miami
If you were cited or arrested for a traffic offense under Chapter 316 of the Florida Statutes in Miami, you should talk to a qualified Miami traffic attorney about your case. There may be possible defenses that can be presented, or you may be able to challenge the traffic stop, which could lead to a reduction or dismissal of the charges.
Hubbs Law Firm's skilled lawyers are experienced in defending traffic charges at all levels throughout the Miami area. E.J. and Erika Hubbs provide guidance and counsel for people throughout Miami-Dade County, including Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Hialeah, Miami Gardens, Tamiami, Homestead, North Miami, South Miami.
E.J. Hubbs is Board Certified in Criminal Trial Law by the Florida Bar. Only attorneys that complete the stringent requirements of the Florida Bar are eligible for board certification. Only 1% of attorneys in Florida meet these requirements for criminal trial law.
If you’re arrested for a hit and run, driving with suspended or no license, leaving the scene of an accident, or other Miami traffic charges, contact the traffic attorneys at Hubbs Law Firm today to schedule an appointment. Your initial consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose by talking to us.
Call Hubbs Law Firm today at (305) 570-4802 to begin your defense.
Types of Traffic Violations in Miami, Florida
The Florida Statutes, Title XXIII, Chapter 316 enumerates the many traffic laws in Florida under the Florida Uniform Traffic Code.
In addition to the many civil infractions for which a person may be cited, the law also lists the more serious actions that are considered criminal, including:
- No valid driver's license
- Driving While License Suspended (DWLS), Canceled, or Revoked
- Habitual traffic offender suspension (HTO)
- Reckless driving
- Street racing
- Leaving the Scene of an accident
- Leaving the scene of an accident with serious bodily injury or death
- Vehicular manslaughter
- Fleeing or Attempting to Elude
- Warrant issued in a criminal traffic case
In addition, one of the most common criminal traffic charges is driving under the influence (often called DUI, or DWI or OWI in other jurisdictions).
Types of DUI offenses include:
- First DUI
- Second DUI
- Third DUI
- Fourth or subsequent DUI
- DUI test refusal
- DUI with child passenger
- DUI with property damage
- Commercial DUI
- Underage DUI (juvenile or under age 21)
- DUI manslaughter
The penalties for these crimes range from a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000, to a second-degree felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Additional penalties may be ordered by the court, such as probation, community service, and others. Administrative sanctions may also result, such as a driver's license suspension.
Our Attorneys Fight for Drivers in Miami & the Surrounding Areas
If you were charged with a criminal traffic offense in Miami or throughout Miami-Dade County, you should speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney about your case. If you missed a court date and a warrant was issued for the failure to appear (FTA), call Hubbs Law Firm as soon as possible for a free consultation.
Our attorneys aggressively defend people who face criminal traffic charges throughout the Greater Miami area, including those who are non-US citizen and may be concerned with deportation or other immigration issues resulting from criminal charges. Our firm represents clients throughout Kendale Lakes and Tamiami to the West and South Miami, Kendall, Homestead and Cutler Bay to the South, as well as communities North of Miami International Airport such as Hialeah and Miami Gardens.
The criminal and immigration attorneys at Hubbs Law Firm pledge to fight for your rights, both in court and administratively. We provide effective representation by aggressively defending our clients at every phase of their cases, and we may be able to successfully obtain a reduction or dismissal of the charges in your case.
Call Hubbs Law Firm today at (305) 570-4802 to schedule a free initial appointment to discuss your traffic charges.
Additional Resources
- Florida Statutes, Title XXIII, Chapter 316 — Florida Uniform Traffic Code — Read the language of the Florida Uniform Traffic Code, which names the offenses and charges for various traffic crimes in Florida, including criminal traffic offenses that are charged as misdemeanors or felonies.
- Florida Driver’s License Handbook — Published by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), this handy manual includes chapters about driving privileges, driving safety, sharing the road, vehicle equipment, among other topics.
- Traffic crimes in Miami-Dade County - Visit the website of the Clerk of the Courts in Miami-Dade County to find information on Criminal Traffic Tickets. A criminal traffic ticket is issued when a person is suspected of committing a traffic violation which is punishable as a misdemeanor offense. A driver can be arrested when charged with a criminal traffic offense or issued a “notice to appear” in court. Examples of the most common criminal traffic offenses include DUI, reckless driving, DWLS with knowledge, and leaving the scene of an accident with property damage. If you fail to appear in court, then a bench warrant being issued for your arrest at the missed court date. Call the Miami-Dade Traffic Division’s 24-hour voice response system at 305-275-1111 for hearing information.

Attorneys E.J. & Erika Hubbs
As professional Miami criminal defense attorneys, we take every case personally give every client the deliberate care it deserves. Our clients become part of our family and we fight relentlessly for their rights. Read more about us to find out how we can help you.

I do not have enough praise for Erika and Eric.
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He handled all the legal details, represented me in court and had my case dismissed.
John A. -
He Takes Every Case With Heart and Honesty
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